Local SEO tools to benefit
your company

Part 1. Online reputation

Online reputation management still remains a strong digital trend and as we think will be quiet for a long time. SEO experts say that all stages of a company's interaction with the "outside world" affect the local search results, including working with reviews in location-based services, social networks and other digital platforms where customers can describe their impression from interaction with your business.

Building an online reputation is a systemic process that includes several aspects at once. In order for a company to benefit from customer feedback, it is important to use modern and efficient reputation management services. In this article, we will talk about five tools that will definitely simplify the work with reviews for your company and help you .


Review Center

According to the studies, 88% of users trust reviews from customers as well as recommendations from friends. This means that when potential customers are thinking about buying a product or service, they look for information on the Internet and read reviews. Feedback from other users is one of the most important factors in deciding whether to contact the company or not.
Manual monitoring of customer reviews is a long and not always systematic process. Since a specialist who is responsible for online reputation management needs to store passwords from many services, keep records and analyze feedback, and, most importantly, process it promptly, because 20% of users are waiting for a response from the company within one day.
We at BrandWizard developed a convenient Review Center tool that automatically collects all customer reviews into a single account and provides the ability to immediately respond to them. That is, a manager responsible for online reputation doesn’t need to store passwords from several sites and each time get used to a new interface in order to respond to reviews.

BrandWizard sends quick notifications of new reviews to the browser, email or mesenger.

So a company won't miss a single customer review.

Each review deserves attention, because thanks to the review management, the company forms its positive brand perception and increases customer loyalty. The Review Center reputation service is developed in order to save employees time and cover the maximum number of reviews.
Big guide on how to manage positive and negative reviews
In this post, BrandWizard shares how to respond to positive and negative reviews to conquer customer loyality and improve your brand's online reputation.

Autoresponder Service

According to BrandWizard, 40% of company customers leave reviews without text, only with a rating. This means that they can be processed using Autoresponder service. Here are some examples of such reviews:
In your BrandWizard personal account, you can set up auto-replies in accordance with the following scenarios:
  • by rating: for example, set one answer for a rating of four or five stars and another for a rating below three
  • by receiving feedback: you can set specific days of the week or a range, for example, you can use auto-replies only on weekends or holidays
  • by the content in the review: for example, select auto-replies separately for reviews with and without text

BrandWizard Autoresponder service

Thanks to BrandWizard Autoresponder service, a company will be able to save employee time, always promptly respond to customer reviews, increase the level of trust to the company and stimulate interest in products or services, increase rating and conversion to sales.

Review Generation Service

Search engines cannot judge at a glance which listing to show above others. To do this, they are guided by the signals that they understand. Reviews are one of them. The better the company works with online reputation, the more often and higher listings are shown to users by search engines.
This means that you need to constantly generate new reviews. BrandWizard Review Generation service allows you to do this with QR codes that can be placed in retail outlets, on promotional products with a suggestion to leave a review about specific location’s goods and services.
Also, BrandWizard divides reviews into positive and negative. The service measures NPS — a metric for determining the level of customer loyalty to a company, product or brand, and his willingness to recommend a product or service to his surroundings. The essence of NPS is that the client is offered a questionnaire with a single question: is he ready to recommend a company, product or service to friends and acquaintances.
To create a positive company’s image online, you can also find influencers who meet the requirements of the company and have an engaged audience, and collaborate with them through special services: for example, YouScan.

Multi-access for working with reviews

Managing a company's online reputation can be time consuming. Especially if your business has many locations and accordingly Google listings (not to mention profiles on review sites), each of which receives reviews daily.
To make work easier, faster, more systematic and efficient, it is important to competently delegate and distribute it among employees, so that each team member is responsible for their specific area of work. Specifically to appoint those ones for work with reviews and be able to analyze and control their work.
For these purposes, BrandWizard developed Multi-access for working with reviews. With this reputation management tool you can connect your employees to BrandWizard account and distribute access rights as:
  • Administrator — has a full access to all personal account’s features.
  • Reputation Manager — has access only to work with reviews both in specific listings and throughout all the locations.
  • Watcher — this is an access type to monitor the work: you can only view the information and analyze the results.
Effective distribution of roles assures you that everyone does their part of work. Moreover, you will always know who works with the online reputation of your company and be sure there is no mess or other employees interference.

Online Reputation Analysis

Review analysis is an important marketing tool that can be used to set up several processes within a company at once. For example, hire more employees to reduce customer wait time, make a more varied menu, revise HR processes, or add notifications about new promotions. With the help of a review, the client can explain why he will choose the company again or, on the contrary, won't visit you anymore.
Experts understand the importance of analyzing reviews as a great part of reputation management, but often don’t conduct it due to difficulty and absence of time. After all, each review needs to be read to understand the mood of the client who wrote it and to identify the problem and a plan for solving it.
We at BrandWizard understood this problem and developed an Online Reputation Analysis service that collects all reviews in a single personal account, analyzes them, monitors the mood of customers and compare competing companies by reviews and ratings. The service can also control the work of employees who respond to reviews. For example, BrandWizard tracks the number of reviews processed and the average response time.

To sum up

Working with reviews is a complex process that includes several aspects at once: collection, processing, analysis, generation, and systematic monitoring. To work effectively with business reputation, you are to choose the best reputation management services for your company.

BrandWizard online reputation management services

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