Reviews are one of the most important factors before making a purchase
87%of users read online reviews about local companies or services. 79% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends or family.
The more positive reviews your company has and the higher is rating, the more potential customers will choose your company.
You can place a QR code on your POS materials: on creative stickers, menus, cash receipts, flyers and other promotional products in retail outlets.
A link from a QR code can be also placed on the site, in an email newsletter to a client after a purchase or in response to his request.
If the user rates the company with a low score (for example, from 1 to 5, or from 1 to 7, you can configure the options yourself), the system gives him a text input field. After the comment is sent, it goes to the company's personal account as a review from the mailing source and is not published on the maps.
If a user rates a company or service with a high score (for example, from 8 to 10), the system prompts him to post a review in one of the digital services supported by BrandWizard, with a link to the location you selected earlier.