We update information about your company
in 30+ popular digital services

BrandWizard will collect the correct data about every your location, automatically send it to 30+ popular sources, and keep this data up to date on a daily basis.

93% of users are looking for information about products and services nearby

The customer searches locally and wants to get the nearest result right now.

To do this, he uses services that provide him with quick and accurate answers — maps, navigators, social networks, reviews sites, directories, voice assistants and even taxi services.

Incorrect information about your company will lead to loss of customers

BrandWizard will automatically correct mistakes about every your company listing in 30+ popular digital services and keep the information up-to-date on a daily basis.
Help your customers find you
Correct your company information and keep its relevance automatically with BrandWizard
Google Maps
Apple Maps
Tom Tom

BrandWizard will provide accurate and complete information about each of your locations

We load the correct data about your locations into BrandWizard and the system automatically sends them to 30+ popular digital services.

As a result, you do not need to correct each listing manually — the system will do it for you, avoiding mistakes and saving your time.

Step 1. Automated data submission

Step 2. Fast data synchronization with location-based services

✔ If the company listing already exists in a location-based service, BrandWizard updates it and adds the needed data.

✔ If there is no listing, BrandWizard will automatically create a new one.

Despite of how many locations you have — 10, 100 or 10,000 — you can easily manage their data from a single BrandWizard interface.
BrandWizard daily updates listings data, comparing it with the current one, which allows you to keep the information relevant and protect listings from third-party changes.

You do not need to worry about the information of your locations — it is correct 24/7.

Step 3. Daily update and data protection

Results of data actualization
with BrandWizard

Saving time for checking and correcting information manually on 30+ digital services
A single account where you can easily manage company data, no matter how many locations you have — 10, 100 or 10,000
Daily automated support of the relevance of information about your company and data protection from third-party changes
Discover your local search power
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Get a report
Get a report on your company's online presence
Get a detailed report on your company's online presence in location-based services.
where users leave reviews about your company and what is your average rating on the Internet
which digital services have information about you, and where it is missing
how much data is correct, incorrect and what are the errors
In this report, you will see:
Discover your local search power with us
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