Track your positions in local search results compared to your competitors, identify growth opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to improve your ranking
Rank for local queries as “store nearby”, “coffee shop near me”, “where to have dinner”, etc. Users daily make local queries in search engines, navigators and even taxi services when they are looking for goods and services nearby.
76% of users who find a business through local searches visit it during one day.
Increase your online visibility on maps
When we search for goods and services nearby, we first see local search results with a map and company listings.
Local search results with a map occupies a significant part of the first screen and takes up a large amount of clicks.
Therefore, for companies that want to attract more customers, it is important to work with maps and increase positions in local search results for targeted queries.
Track company positions in local search results
On Google Maps, positions for the target query can change every X meters. That is why it is necessary to evaluate local search results at different distances from your location.
The Local Rank Tracker will show you how your company listings rank for the target query within a given radius, as well as who your competitors are and what ranking they have.
Evaluate your promotion progress and find growth points
Track the growth or decline dynamics of your ranking in local search results, monitor positions of each location or keyword.
This will allow you to quickly react to changes and understand which keywords and locations you should focus on to increase your audience reach and get leads.