Manage your online reputation and increase your company’s rating

Use local SEO tools to boost the number of calls to your company's locations, increase website visits, and guide more customers to your locations.
Save time
You will reduce the time spent working with reviews without losing quality
The better you work with reviews, the higher the position of your listings in search results and the wider your audience reach
Increase in customer flow
Listings with positive reviews and high ratings create more trust among potential clients
Increase trust and loyalty to the company

With BrandWizard, you will

BrandWizard features
Collect reviews from 30+ sites in a single account
BrandWizard instantly notifies you of new reviews and collects them in a single account so you can quickly give feedback to customers.

Notifications about new reviews will be sent wherever it is convenient for you: by email, messenger or in the browser.
Motivate customers to talk about your brand
Create QR codes from the BrandWizard account for each point of sale and place them on promotional products or in retail facilities asking you to leave a review about your company.
Increase your company rating
BrandWizard's smart algorithm distinguishes between positive and negative reviews.

Highly rated reviews are sent to external sites, which increases your rating. Reviews with a low rating are sent to your account without external publication.
Respond to reviews using a neural network
Entrust response generation to the ChatGPT. In just one click, your answers will become detailed and personalized, just like how a company employee responds to them.
Set up autoresponses
According to BrandWizard, 40% of reviews can be handled using autoresponses. These are reviews without text, only with a rating.

Set up rules and scripts for automatic responses to typical reviews and save your team’s time.
Find growth points for your business
BrandWizard will identify popular words in your reviews and analyze their sentiment (positive, negative) using a system of tags and phrases.

This way you will always know what your clients praise you for, and what you can improve and make your company the best in its niche.
Distribute roles in the team and set KPIs
Limit access rights to the platform. Involve employees or franchisees in working with reviews on individual locations or regions.

Increase the efficiency of working with reviews and set KPIs: track the number of reviews processed by each employee and the speed of response to reviews.
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Discover your local search power
Explore BrandWizard's features tailored for your business
Exclusive 14-day access to our demo platform, pre-loaded with your data
Custom tool recommendations
Tailored advice based on your business goals
Ready to optimize your online presence? Schedule a personalized demo to discover:
Discover your local search power with us
An in-depth look at BrandWizard's features
By clicking the button, I accept the agreement on the processing of personal data
Discover your local search power
Explore BrandWizard's features tailored for your business
Exclusive 14-day access to our demo platform, pre-loaded with your data
Custom tool recommendations
Tailored advice based on your business goals
Ready to optimize your online presence? Schedule a personalized demo to discover:
Discover your local search power with us
An in-depth look at BrandWizard's features