How to use ChatGPT for review management

In 2024, reviews are not just feedback; they are a pivotal factor in shaping the perception of your brand among potential customers. Positive reviews can significantly boost your company’s profile and search engine standings. It's clear that engaging with customer feedback is non-negotiable. Yet, as BrandWizard's insights reveal, many organizations still struggle to effectively address reviews due to perceived lack of value, resource constraints, or the misconception that responses are not necessary for both positive and negative commentary.

Discover how integrating ChatGPT into your review management strategy can not only optimize this critical process but also unlock valuable time for your team to focus on other strategic initiatives.

Why is review management important?

The significance of engaging with reviews, analyzing feedback, and formulating responses that endear customers to your brand has been a recurring theme in our discussions.

To highlight why managing reviews is critical, consider these statistics:
  • 93% of consumers consult online reviews before they decide to do business with a company or buy a product.
  • 63% base their perception of a company on its response to negative reviews.
  • 52% will avoid businesses with a rating lower than 4 stars.
  • Companies with a substantial number of reviews often see a 54% increase in revenue beyond their base profits.

Engaging with reviews, including those that are mainly negative, distinguishes a business from its competition. The cost to a reputation is nearly immeasurable, as everyone values it differently. Every business is vulnerable to mishaps or unforeseen events. In such cases, transparency, acknowledging mistakes, and correcting them swiftly is paramount.

Businesses that realize the critical role of review engagement not only secure a marketing advantage over their rivals but also have the opportunity to positively shape their reputation through active involvement.

Observations indicate that, in 2024, the approach to reputation management in search engines revolves around five principal trends.

5 trends in review management

1 — Local search results become a key player in online reputation management
Data from Safari Digital reveals a staggering 500% increase in searches using phrases such as "near me," "close by," and "around me." This trend underscores the growing reliance on local search results for quickly locating products or services in close proximity. Furthermore, 28% of these local searches lead to purchases, signifying that users conducting local searches are a "warm" audience with a well-defined intent to engage with a particular business.

2 — The importance of reviews to maps and geo-services
Search engines are incentivizing users to leave reviews through push notifications following visits to various locations, aiming to collect a wide range of feedback for the benefit of other users. However, given the subjective nature of user experiences, geo-services and review sites take moderation of reviews seriously. The volume and quality of reviews are critical factors for search engines in determining whether user experiences reflect reality.

A higher number of reviews for a location increases the likelihood of its listing appearing above competitors in search results. This highlights the importance of proactive review management and engagement to improve a business's online visibility and reputation.

3 — Systematic efforts in review generation
The more positive reviews your company has, the more appealing it becomes to potential customers. Encouraging more frequent reviews from clients involves actively requesting them. This can be done verbally, via SMS or email campaigns following the purchase of a product or service, or by placing QR codes in customer-visible areas within your location that link to a review submission form.
4 — Reviews contribute to increasing foot traffic at a company's physical locations
Regular monitoring of reviews and prompt responses enhance user trust and reduce the likelihood of a reputational crisis. Additionally, reviews serve as a source of information about which platforms your target audience spends more time on, their interests, and their concerns. Such insights enable businesses to refine their brand communications, adjust their marketing strategies, and ultimately boost foot traffic to their sales points.

5 — The use of AI for enhanced review insights and management
Artificial intelligence is transforming how businesses analyze and respond to online reviews, marking a significant trend in reputation management. AI technologies can sift through vast quantities of review data in real time, identifying patterns, sentiments, and emerging customer concerns. This capability allows companies to gain a nuanced understanding of customer satisfaction and areas needing improvement. Moreover, AI can assist in drafting timely and personalized responses to reviews, ensuring that each customer feels heard and valued. By harnessing AI for reviews, businesses not only streamline their reputation management processes but also enhance their ability to adapt to customer needs and preferences, leading to improved service quality and customer loyalty.

Technical nuances in review management

It's essential to respond to all reviews, and not just because they play a significant role in how your business listings rank on search engines.

Here are four compelling reasons why engaging with customers is always a must.

1. It's a fundamental rule of online etiquette

Thank customers for positive feedback, address and resolve issues mentioned in negative reviews, and for neutral feedback, seek ways to make the next customer interaction better than the last.

2. Responses to reviews enhance brand loyalty

Though it's nearly impossible to quantify loyalty, evidence suggests that customers are more likely to frequent businesses that are more responsive to reviews than their competitors.

3. Responding to reviews emphasizes the value of each user, ensuring no one feels neglected

Strive to reply as promptly as possible. However, if you're overwhelmed by the volume of reviews, maintain a guideline to respond within no more than 24 hours.

Finally, you encourage other users to participate in the dialogue and leave their own feedback, whether to agree with or challenge the views previously expressed by others.

If a user simply leaves a rating for your location without any written comments, you can take the initiative to nudge them towards offering more comprehensive feedback by posing specific questions. They might have been reluctant to write about their experience or struggled to find the appropriate words.
As your business expands and sparks active user discussions, it becomes increasingly difficult to respond to everyone, and even more so to provide personalized responses. This can lead to greater time investment and potentially longer wait times for responses.

To optimize employee time and boost the visibility of your listings in maps and geo-services, consider the following strategies:
- Prepare a few templates for responding to reviews without text or for positive reviews. These templates can serve as a base that you can customize before replying, saving time compared to writing a response from scratch each time.

- Identify key search terms that customers frequently use to find your business. Tools such as Google Trends can assist in gathering these keywords for your specific industry and target market.

- Include these key terms in your response templates. Search engines will then recognize these keywords as evidence of your business's relevance to user queries, potentially improving the ranking of your location listings in local search results.

If you've already maximized your efforts in local SEO and optimized review management but the volume of reviews continues to grow and requires even more resources, it might be time to consider using Artificial Intelligence to manage responses to reviews.

How to optimize the work of employees responding to reviews with neural networks

To alleviate the workload on employees managing your company's online reputation, we at BrandWizard integrated a chatbot, ChatGPT, into our platform. The tool, named "AI-Powered Response Generator," automatically generates responses to reviews of any complexity using the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT. Implementing AI for review responses accelerates the review management process by:

  • Reducing the time and human resources needed;
  • Handling a larger volume of reviews, thus decreasing the number of unanswered reviews;
  • Creating personalized responses to unique reviews;
  • Maintaining audience loyalty with non-generic responses.

The AI-Powered Response Generator service can produce a detailed, personalized reply with a single click, just as a company employee would. This solution addresses three critical tasks:

  • Reducing the time employees spend on reviews without sacrificing quality;
  • Processing a greater number of reviews, regardless of complexity;
  • Enhancing the quality of responses through self-learning capabilities

Tool workflow

1. Users can instantly create a personalized reply that aligns with the customer's review by clicking once in the review section of their BrandWizard dashboard.

2. The AI offers three courteous and professional responses for any kind of review, allowing users to select the one that fits best.

3. Users have the option to modify the AI-suggested text before it goes live, ensuring that they have the final say in how the response is formulated.
The main strength of the neural network lies in its self-learning capability. It generates response texts by examining the company's previous replies, the tone of the review, and the rating left by the customer. The suggested text from the neural network can be modified before it is published.

Those planning to start managing their brand's reputation and online presence with BrandWizard will also have access to a trial period.

Wrapping up

Building connections with users leaving reviews on maps and geo-services requires juggling numerous considerations. The tech market keeps dropping game-changers like ChatGPT, offering fresh opportunities for nimble private businesses ready to dive into new tech. With AI handling the day-to-day grind, teams can shift focus to tackling other big-picture projects.
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