Add your social media profiles to Google listings

Yes, it’s finally possible. A couple of weeks ago, Google Business Profile Help center announced that businesses can now add social media links to listings.

With social media links directly into their profiles, businesses can showcase their online presence more comprehensively, which allows potential customers to easily access and engage with their content across multiple platforms. It not only enhances visibility but also fosters better connectivity and trust with the audience.

Social Media Platforms Supported

Now when you know the requirements, let’s add those links into your profile.

4 Steps to Add the Links to Your GBP Listing

1. Open your Business Profile.
2. Hit 'Edit Profile', then go to 'Business Information' followed by 'Contact'.
3. In the 'Social Profiles' section, pick the social media platform you want and type in the web address, making sure to follow Google's format guidelines for each one.
4. Guarde sus cambios.

Additional Points to Remember

1. The release of this feature is phased, and it's only up in certain areas.
2. You can add just one link for each social media platform on your Business Profile.
3. As of now, Google isn't giving any stats on how these links are doing.

Final Thoughts

Bill Gates was right when he said, ‘If your business is not on the Internet then your business will be out of business.’ With this update, Google is giving businesses another chance to be fully present on the Internet and provide clients with seamless experience.

If you’re new to local SEO and local marketing and don’t know where to start, our blog will be a solid knowledge base for you. Moreover, you can get a free online presence report that analyzes your business. Interested? Contact us today.
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