Posts on Google and Facebook:
what is it and what is their business value

We often associate "posts" with publications on social networks. But few people know that posts can be created in company listings on Google, as well as on local Facebook pages.

Today, we'll talk about why businesses should pay attention to publications in geoservices and what value they have in terms of local marketing.

What are posts (publications) in geoservices

A post is a text and graphic block in company listings on Google and on local Facebook pages. Just like in social networks, making posts in geoservices, you can:

  • Tell clients about promotions, special offers, your company news or events.

  • Highlight new, seasonal, or promotional items to draw customers' attention.
The structure of a post on Google is somewhat similar to posts on other social networks: there is a picture, a headline, body text and a link.
A post on Google
Posts on local Facebook pages do not visually differ from posts on the main business page of the company. The only difference is that you can create such posts for a specific location. For example, if promotions for products differ in different stores of your brand, you can inform your audience about this on the page of that particular store.
Content on main and local Pizzeria's Facebook page differs
But posts in geoservices have other functions besides information. And, in our opinion, they are much more valuable.

What is the value of posts on Google and Facebook in terms of local marketing

Posts increase the visibility of your listings to potential customers
According to a study by dbaPlatform, if you post on Google Business Profile once a week for a month, the visibility of the cards doubles:
Posts affect the visibility of company listings in local search results
How it works

The content in the posts gives the search engine additional keywords, which it correlates with the listing when the user requests it and takes into account when ranking.

When a user makes a request on Google maps, for example, "where to buy Nike sneakers", the search engine offers him the listings of the companies that he considers most suitable. The search engine also takes into account the keywords that are used in the listings posts.
An example of ranking a company listing in Google Maps for a keyword that is used in posts
That is, if you make posts with keywords — for example, "order Nike sneakers", "discount on Nike sneakers", "Nike sneaker selection" — then your company will have a better chance of getting to the top of search results for similar queries.

Thus, thanks to posts, you expand the range of requests for which your listing is shown, which means that more potential customers see you. Conclusion: the more users find your company on the maps, the more of them become your customers.
Posts increase user engagement
In geoservices, just like in social networks, posts allow you to engage users and interact with the company. In Google posts, you can put a button with a link to the site, and in Facebook, you can use all the standard elements of publications: reactions, comments, buttons, links, videos.

According to a study of the social platform SOCi, 72% of user interactions with a brand occurs on local pages. Posts in geoservices allow you to engage users by encouraging them to take useful actions in the listings — leave likes, go to the site, call your company or check-in on local Facebook pages.

Conclusion: thanks to posts, users study information about you when viewing listings, thereby increasing the conversion to the target action (calling, building a route, going to the site).

Features of posts on Google Business Profile and Facebook

Google Business Profile
Google has different formats that post functions depend on. Before posting, first you need to choose what type of post you create:

  • Update: this format is used to keep clients informed of current or upcoming events in the company and general information about the company. You can add a photo, video, description or action button to the news. For example, if you have a restaurant, you can use this post to promote a new dish.
    • Offer: information about promotions and special offers. It can contain the title, the date and time of its start and end, as well as the "Learn more" button, which is created automatically. In such a post, you can add a photo, video, description, coupon code, link and promotion conditions. For example, a pizzeria might advertise a 20 percent discount on a large pizza for a week.
    • Event: the format allows you to talk about an event in the company and schedule a post for the desired period of time. You can also add a photo, video, description, and an action button to a post.
    • COVID-posts: information about changes in the company during the pandemic - a new work schedule, rules related to safety and hygiene (wearing masks, having antiseptics, etc.).
    All posts on Google include an announcement cover, body copy, and a link button (call-to-action). This means that the post of your company in GBP can lead to a page on the site where the client needs to perform a targeted action: for example, order a product or sign up for a master class.
    An example of creating a COVID-19 post on Google Maps
    On Facebook, you can create posts for specific locations. To do this, you need to create a post on each local brand page:
    An example of creating a post on a local Facebook page
    A business needs local pages primarily in order to create content for different regions, when the language, offers, events are different.

    To sum up

    Posts increase the visibility of your listings to potential customers, which affects the growth of foot traffic to your points of sale.
    Posts help to better rank your card, that is, to show it in the best place in the search by counting keywords in posts that match user requests.
    With the help of posts, you encourage users to perform useful actions in your listings — calls, building a route, going to the site (using a link in posts), check-ins, etc.
    In addition, with the help of posts, you inform users about promotions, events or news in your company, which may induce them to contact you.
    Each site has its own post types and corresponding features: for example, COVID posts on Google Business Profile, the ability to create unique content on local pages on Facebook.
    Create posts on Google and Facebook from BrandWizard dashboard
    Post to Google and Facebook from a single BrandWizard dashboard.

    Publish promotions, news or events
    in your listings to attract more foot traffic.
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